(Excerpt) What makes a Bloc? The hidden barrier to inclusivity in climbing

Below is an excerpt from an article I wrote for Beta Magazine Club’s first issue published in August 2020.

I have been told that my method was not valid while I’m working really hard to find a way up a climb. I have been told that specific climbs are “not for me” because I “won’t be able to reach”.

To which I have and will continue to respond with:
“I have to climb the way that works for my body. I can see that my easiest sequence does not fit into your idea of what the right way to climb is. If you would like to hold onto this view, then you must believe either that

1. I don’t belong here, or
2. Climbing doesn’t involve looking for the easiest way to climb to the top.“

Full article available for purchase from £1 here.

ExcerptXian Goh